

Diclacox – Special treatment for Coccidiosis at all stages


In 1 ml contains:
Diclazuril… …………………………………………………. 25 mg
Sufficient solvent ………………………………………..………1 ml


Diclacox is a new generation anti-coccidiosis drug with short usage time, convenient and fast effectiveness compared to other anti-coccidiosis drugs.
Diclacox has the effect of cutting off the life cycle of coccidia at all stages of growth and development.
Diclacox is especially effective in preventing and treating coccidiosis caused by coccidiosis in the small intestine, large intestine… in livestock and poultry with the following types of coccidia: E.tenella, E.acevulina, E.necatrix, E. .brunetti, E.maxima, E.mitis…


Cases of hypersensitivity to ingredients of the drug
Usage and Dosage:
Mix with drinking water or through food
Prevention: 1 ml/20-25 kg body weight, given for 2 consecutive days.


Chicken: 1 ml/10-15 kg body weight, given for 2 consecutive days.
Pigs, calves, calves: 1 ml/ 10 kg body weight, given as a single dose.
Pigs: give 3-5 day old piglets a single dose.
Sheep, calves, calves: Give 1 dose at 4-6 weeks of age, then repeat 1 dose every 3 weeks


Are not


1 liter

The origin:

Medion Vietnam Joint Stock Company

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