

Treatment of bacterial infections in buffaloes, cows, chickens, pigs, dogs and cats


In 1ml of Lincospectoject contains:

Lincomycin base…………………………..50 mg
Spectomycin base……………………..100 mg


Treatment of infectious diseases in poultry and small livestock

In cattle: Pneumonia, hoof rot
In dogs and cats: Respiratory and urinary tract infections, metritis, gastroenteritis and abscesses.
On chickens and turkeys: Treatment of CRD (air sac inflammation), pasteurellosis, sinusitis, coryza and staphylococcal infections.


Animals are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug.
Do not use on newborn pets.

Usage and Dosage:

Cattle: 1ml/10kg body weight intramuscularly, use for 2-4 days
Dogs and cats: 1ml/5kg body weight, intramuscular injection
This dose can be repeated every 24 hours for up to 15 days
Poultry and turkey: 0.2 ml/kg body weight, injected under the skin, used for 3 days


Poultry: 10 days; Do not use for laying hens.
Other animals: 21 days


100ml bottle

Made in:

ADWIA Co.S.A.E 10th of Ramadan city, (Egypt)

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